Friday 27 April 2012

Puducherry Wikipedia - Pondicherry Information Home

Pondicherry , a small french town in India is a amalgamation of Indian cultures with the French cultures.A remarkable degree of French culture exists in Pondicherry till date.The entire town is divided into 2 sections, the French Quarter (Ville Blanche or 'White town') and the Indian quarter (Ville Noire or 'Black Town'). Many streets still retain their French names, and French style villas are a common sight in Puducherry. 

In the French quarter, the buildings are typically colonial style with long compounds and stately walls.

The typical Indian quarter consists of houses lined with verandas and houses with large doors and grills.

These French and Indian style houses are identified and their architecture preserved from destruction by an organization named INTACH. The use of French language can be still seen in Puducherry.

After the roar of the Thane Cyclone , Pondicherry has lost its charm of trees but yet it sustains its beauty with the Colonial Architecture and the Bougainvillea

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