Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Pondicherry Beach

Pondicherry Beaches are unique in its beauty and have lots of people strolling on the corridors and pavements on the beach almost throughout the years.It is one of the most favored part in the city.I recently wrote an article about this beach and I rewrite it here as it revives the beauty of the beach with a sweet story that had won me a competition.

The story of the beach starts from here....
Summer has officially started with heat wave building up as Agni Nakshatra ( Kathiri Veyyil) as usual on April in my home town , Pondicherry.With the ongoing heat that will last till June, frequent current cut-offs and rolling sweats on foreheads warning my body to rehydrate more , the health conscious "me" always equipped my refrigerator with lots of summer fruits like water melon ,oranges, lemons, mango, grapes and curds. But with summer holidays on start (hurray!!) and lots of excitement for parks, Tours and get-together, there is more work outdoors than indoors.

Krya was my assigned task for taking her a day out in Pondicherry , whose coast line is the Bay of Bengal Beach itself.

Paradise Beach , Pondicherry

The Beach Harbour -a view from other side of the road
Beach & Gandhi statue view from Cafe lounge
Having born and brought up in Pondicherry, I have known this beach to be the best , impressive place to stroll and have a great time to watch the waves.The breathtaking vision of the gleaming waters under the morning sun brought liveliness and radiance to the beach.Adding to it were the architectural buildings and monuments that stood facing the sea .I told Kyra all about the French rule , how the French got attracted to the Pondy and set it as their home and also about the historical French architecture that separates itself from the rest of Pondy.We took photograph under the 4.25 meters Ganthi statue that stood majestic gaurded by eight exquisitely carved monolithic pillars brought here from Gingee and erected in 1866.I even told Kyra about a secret behind the Gandhi statue (which was told to me by my father), which still many Pondicherrians aren't aware of.There was once a tunnel below the Gandhi statue that leads all the way to the Gingee through which these pillars made by a single stone was transported to Pondy .But failing to resurrect it after few suffocation and deaths , the Government finally closed it for good.

We then shopped for hand-made crafts made by using sea-shells from the shore from Four-squares that stood lining near the Gandhi statue. Kyra loved the chains, and toys made from seashells and embellished herself with them.I took her to the beach-side cafe  lounge where we had the best cafe just overlooking the Beach.She just loved the cold drinks served there.

Then, I took her to another spot a little outside of Pondicherry with a few miles ride away from Paradise Beach .

 The Serene Beach, Pondicherry
Exotic pass-time under the golden sands
Having a dip under the shallow waters of serene beach, Pondy
Beach under the Summer Sun
And it stands up to its name.Away from honking vehicles and active city , it is the most serene place that stretch itself all along the coast with golden sands having little secrets of hidden sea shells that lures people to experiment with its possessions.We indulged ourselves in various activities like swimming , boating, canoeing , etc that is been served as a Tourist attraction .We made sand castles  and also made patterns with our hands and legs on the fine beach sand.

It was a perfect place and day for sunbathing and swimming with a perfect partner in place.I was very much relived of escaping the summer sun with such a lively company who enjoys splashing waters everywhere and and who knows how to stay protected from the summer sun.We then brought tender coconuts that were sold on the beach side and sat on the sand chatting and drinking as we admired the Reddish Orange sparkles of the setting sun.

"Summer", I thought , "it can' t be avoided but still can be made wonderful if only we have the right attitude to make it enjoyable".The Sun rays that peeped through my window sill in the morning now succumbed into the oceans slowly as we neared the end of the day.

Kyra and I parted with a heavy heart and this day with the summer girl took a special place on my diary having the best time under the spell of waters on the bright sunny day.And finally I blew kisses to my native town Pondicherry  for it had saved my day with its exotic beach location .

What more a beautiful explanation with photographs would be needed to write an article about the Pondicherry beach 
- The above article & photographs are copyrighted to pondicherrywiki

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