Thursday, 24 May 2012

Online Electricity Bill Payment facility in Puducherry

The Puducherry government has inaugurated its online payment of electricity bill facility for domestic customers using low tension power by bringing in Public sector SBI [State Bank of India ] in its fold.
Customers who wish to make use of this service have to perform a one-time registration on the website, after which their account numbers would be linked to their electricity card details.And for  availing this service , you need to be an account holder in SBI .

1.Login to and register yourself using the Internet Banking form.
 [click here for downloading the form ]

2.Enter into the Personal Banking with your login details

3.Then , Register the biller to which you want to pay, with all the bill details.

4.After the bill (recent) is uploaded by the biller, you can make payment online using SBI account.

5.Using the bill payment , you can view and Pay Various bills online, directly from your SBI account.

Auto Pay Selection : You can also set up AutoPay instructions with an upper limit to ensure that your bills are paid automatically whenever they are due each month. Setting up an upper limit ensures that bills lying within the specified limit are paid automatically and the rest is ignored thereby providing you complete control over these payments.

SBI-Insta Pay : Using this service you can make instant payment for utility bills (electricity, telephone, mobile phone, gas etc.) / Recharge prepaid mobile /credit card / DTH/ insurance premium/ subscription for magazines/ donations to religious or charitable organisations. No prior registration required.

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